Civil Engineering Course & Architectural Design Course|Saga University


Education Principles

Education and research areas

・Infrastructure designing, constructing and managing.
・Community and city planning and environment managing. 
・Building and community designing, living space designing. 
To be a specialist in above three areas, the basic knowledge of mathematics, information technology, structural, soil and hydraulic mechanics, specific knowledge of structural, geotechnical, water and city planning engineering and architecture as well as the understanding of earth environment are required. Furthermore, since the most civil engineering and architecture projects need term-works, the abilities of communication and presentation, and high level of culture are essential. 



Graduate Program/Professional Education

Civil Engineering course and Architectural Design Course, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga University, offers 2 years Master course and 3 years Doctoral course to train high level qualified experts in civil engineering and architecture.

Civil Engineering Course

Professional engineers for designing, constructing and managing of infrastructure projects, and specialists for environment preservations.

Architectural Design Course

Professional architects , Community and city designers (planner) and Engineers for architectural environment.



Master course

We offer two master programs. One is mainly for Japanese students, which starts at the beginning of April each year, and most of the subjects are given in Japanese. Another is tThe Education Program of Advanced T-shaped Person for Co-development of ASEAN and Japan (EPAT) in Environmental, Energy and Health Science provides all lectures, seminars, and internships, etc. on global environmental, energy problems and health expertise in English for both foreign and Japanese students. Students from overseas can learn and study completely in Japan without a hurdle of Japanese language. The EPAT is an educational course in the Graduate School of Science and Engineering and Graduate School of Advanced Health Science, in order to bring up global researchers and engineers who will contribute to the environmental, energy and health science. which is for both foreign students and Japanese students. The students can join EPAT from April or October each year. All subjects of EPAT program are given in English.


Research Fields and staffs

Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Mechanics
...Ito, Y. and Obiya, H.

  _Structural engineering.
  _Earthquake engineering.
  _Linear, nonlinear, elastic, nonelastic, static, and dynamic analysis of structure.
  _Concrete materials, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.

Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering
...Hino, T. and Negami, T.

  _Analytical study of geotechnical problems.
  _Soil improvement and earth reinforcement.
  _Land subsidence.
  _Stabilization of ground.
  _Geoenvironmental engineering.
  _Road engineering.
  _Pavement engineering.
  _Waste treatment engineering.

Laboratory of Environmental System Engineering
...Ohgushi, K. Yamanishi, H., Narumol, V., Oshikawa, H. and Mishima.Y.

  _Coastal engineering.
  _Ecohydraulics and sediment transport
  _Fluid dynamics.
  _River engineering.
  _Water resources engineering.
  _Water environmental engineering.
  _Water pollution control. Wastewater treatment systems.

Laboratory of Social Systems Management
...Li, H., and Inohae, T.

  _Transportation system and planning.
  _Urban development and urban systems.
  _Residential environment evaluation.
  _Prevention for urban disaster.
  _Urban energy management.
  _Urban environmental evaluation.

Laboratory of Urban Design and Architecture
...Mishima, N., Goto, R., and Miyahara, M.

  _Urban design and planning.
  _Architectural design.
  _Architectural planning.
  _Land- and townscape design.
  _Regenerative design of architecture and urban space.
  _Preservation of historic environment.
  _Regional disaster prevention plan.

Laboratory of Environmental Design for Architecture
...Kojima, S., and Nakaohkubo, K.

  _Building thermal environment.
  _Urban thermal environment.
  _Energy conservation of building environment.
  _HVAC control for building environment.



Main Subjects for Civil Engineering Course

*Advanced Wastewater Treatment Engineering(水処理工学特論)Y. Mishima
*Advanced Geo-sphere Environmental Engineering in Lowland(低平地地圏環境学特論)T. Hino
*Advanced Geoenvironmental Engineering(環境地盤工学特論)J. Chai
    Water Environmental System Engineering(水環境システム工学特論)V. Narumol
    Advanced Applied Fluid Mechanics(応用流体力学特論)H. Oshikawa
    Advanced Structural Engineering(構造工学特論)K. Ijima, H. Obiya
    International Seminar for Urban Environment and Urban Planning(国際都市・環境特別演習)N. Mishima etc.,
    Advanced Geotechnical Engineering(地盤工学特論)T. Negami
    Advanced Hydraulics(水工学特論)K.Ohgushi
    Advanced Hydroinformatics(水環境情報学特論)K.Ohgushi
    Advanced Environmental Transport Phenomena(環境輸送特論)H. Yamanishi
    Advanced Nonlinear Structural Analysis(非線形構造解析学特論)H. Obiya
    Advanced Construction Materials(建設材料学特論)Y. Itoh
(*…Core Subjects)

Main Subjects for Architectural Design Course

*Urban Development and Urban Systems(都市構成システム論)T. Inohae
*Advanced Environmental Engineering of Architecture(建築環境工学特論)S. Kojima
    Advanced Exercise of Architecture and Environmental Design I(建築環境デザイン特別演習Ⅰ)N. Mishima
    Advanced Exercise of Architecture and Environmental Design Ⅱ(建築環境デザイン特別演習Ⅱ)---
    International Seminar for Urban Environment and Urban Planning(国際都市・環境特別演習)N. Mishima etc
    Advanced Exercise of Community Design and Architecture(地域デザイン特別演習)R. Goto, M. Miyahara
    Advanced Urban Design(都市デザイン特論)N. Mishima
    Advanced Architectural Environmental Design(建築環境設計特論)K. Nakaohkubo
    Psychological Theory for Architecture and Urban Spaces(建築都市空間論)M. Miyahara
    Advanced Dwelling Environment(住環境論)R. Goto
    Advanced Nonlinear Structural Analysis(非線形構造解析学特論 )H. Obiya
    Advanced Structural Engineering(構造工学特論)K. Ijima, H. Obiya
    Advanced Construction Materials(建設材料学特論)Y. Itoh
(*…Core Subjects)




Doctoral course

We offer three types of doctoral programs. One is the regular doctoral course which starts at the beginning of April each year. Another is The Education Program of Advanced T-shaped Person for Co-development of ASEAN and Japan (EPAT), which is for both foreign students and Japanese students. The third one is the Strategic International Postgraduate Program (SIPOP) for Foreign Student. The students can join EPGA from April or October and SIPOP in October each year. All subjects EPGA and SIPOP are given in English.


Research Fields and staffs

Civil Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

  _Theory and practice of geotechnical engineering prediction and prevention of ground disaster
  _Advanced geotechnical engineering
  _Advanced geo-environmental engineering
  _Geomechanics and rock engineering
  _Advanced soil mechanics

Structural Engineering
...Obiya, H.

  _Advanced earthquake engineering
  _Theory of basic and application of large scale structure systems
  _Advanced structural analysis
  _System analysis of structures
  _Advanced structural design
  _Advanced computational mechanics

Construction Materials
...Ito, Y.

  _Improvement of mechanical properties of construction materials
  _Utilization of waste materials
  _Advanced concrete engineering
  _Maintenance management of concrete structures
  _Development of inspection technique for concrete structure
  _Advanced geotechnical materials
  _Geotechnical materials engineering

Environmental System Engineering

Water Management System
...Ohgushi, K., Yamanishi, H. and Oshikawa, H. Narumol, V.

  _Water resources engineering
  _Wastewater treatment systems
  _Computational hydraulics and remote sensing engineering for water environment
  _Water resources management
  _Water environmental systems engineering
  _Environmental systems engineering
  _Water pollution control systems
  _Advanced hydraulic network system planning Planning theory on water environment

Urban System and Environment
...Li, H., and Inohae.T

  _Transportation system and planning.
  _Urban development and urban systems.   _Residential environment evaluation.   _Prevention for urban disaster.
  _Urban energy management.
  _Urban environmental evaluation.

Architecture and Urban Design

Urban Design and Architecture
... Mishima, N., Goto, R., and Miyahara, M.

  _Urban design and planning
  _Architectural design
  _Architectural planning
  _Land- and townscape design
  _Regenerative design of architecture and urban space
  _Preservation of historic environment
  _Regional disaster prevention plan

Environmental Design for Architecture
...Kojima, S. and Nakaohkubo, K.

  _Building thermal environment
  _Urban thermal environment
  _Energy conservation of building environment
  _HVAC control for building environment